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Sally Colgan - Images from before and after she joined the life of the author

Sally with Cousin Beryl's son, Stephen.J

With cousin Beryl's son, Stephen

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Sally's Pic for Order of Service - 2.JPG
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Sally & Pat at Changi, 1967.jpg
Young Sally.jpg
Sally in Clanfield Kitchen in 1991.JPG

In The Old Stable's kitchen in Clanfield

With friend Pat in Changi, Singapore

Sally & Terry with Pat and husband at Bl

On The Kurium beach in Cyprus

With husband Terry, friend Pat and husband at Black and White Russian Restaurant in Singapore, December, 1967

Sally at Longleat in 1997.jpg
Sally, Dave, Viv & Ollie in North Norfol

With Dave, Viv & Ollie  in North Norfolk

Sally & Viv in North Norfolk.jpg
Sally & Viv in North Norfolk. 2.jpg
Sally at North Norfolk gate.jpg


Sally & Me in Norfolk.jpg

With Cousin Beryl

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With (l-r) Dave, Viv, Cousin Beryl, Andrew, Roy and Claire


With Claire & Andrew in Majorca


With Claire & Andrew in Salcombe

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Sally with Liz in Norwich.JPG

With Liz at Kelmscott

With Liz in Norwich

Sally with Ronan & Monica in Cyprus.JPG

With sister-in-law Monica and her husband, Ronan, in Cyprus, November, 2010


With sister-in-law Monica and her husband, Ronan, at Blenheim Palace

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With Claire's father, Brian, Claire, George & Andrew at Mud Dock, Bristol

Sally & The Dancing Queens.JPG

Dancing in Claire's father Brian's garden at The Grange, Bristol, with Claire and her sister, Jane

Sally at Peg's 80th in Christchurch.jpg

At Peggy's 80th birthday party in Christchurch, Dorset, with Dixie and Mary

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With friends Colin & Blanaid (Blon) Cook in Dorset

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Sally with Nige & Jenny in Normandy - 2.

With friends Maureen & Ken in Cyprus

With friends Nigel & Jenny in Normandy

Sally with Arthur & Pat in Cyprus.jpg

With friends Arthur & Pat in Cyprus

With friend Janet in Clanfield

Sally with Viv & Amy.JPG

With Viv & Dave's daughter Amy in Bath

Sally with Katie, Edie & Dougie in Bradf
Sally on Burnham Beach with Katie & Mich
Sally 20.jpg

With Lu

With Doug, Katie & Edie in Bradford-on-Avon

Sally at the Taj Mahal.jpg

With Edie, Katie, author's great niece, Lily, and daughter-in-law Michelle on Berrow beach

Sally in Nepal - 2.jpg

At the Taj Mahal

Shopping in Nepal

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Sally in Nepal - 6.jpg

White water rafting in Nepal

Washing an elephant in Nepal

Sally In Fuerteventura.jpg
Sally & Me.JPG

Recording a CD in Clanfield

In Fuerteventura

Sally & Patch.jpg
Sally on her Clevedon Pier Seat.jpg

With Patch in Clanfield

On Clevedon Pier

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Hand Fast wedding in Norfolk, July, 2012

With Doug at Hand Fast wedding in Norfolk, July, 2012

Sally on North Norfolk Beach - 2.jpg

On Holkham Beach in Norfolk

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